Weekl 10 - Enemy AI Wrap-up


I havent made an update in few weeks, i have been extreemely busy with other assignments and have been happy with where the enemy AI is. in the past few weeks i have mainly done code clean up and integrate new features based on dependendant scripts others are working on, such as path finding, health and attacking.

Particle effects were another thing i was assigned to complete but did not have the time or know-how to complete so i took my name off it and annnounced to the others that it was free for them to work on.


Have the Enemy AI completed and ready to roll into the Core branch,

Issues and Risks

There was an issue with integrating the attacking script, there was no null check for the 'target' so when the player or target was dead the enemy would keep calling the script and throw an error, Ben and i worked to clear this up by adding in the null check in Attacking.InRange() and that then showed me the isssues i had in my script where i was still looking for a target. When all those issues were resolved i then added in another null check to the EnemyAI.Combat() so now it reads that if the target has gone beyond the escape distance OR has no target then it should return to its previous task.

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