Week 7 - Updates to Enemy AI


not much happened this week. in class we (Ben, Christian, Jacob and myself) managed to get the patrol system working continuosly with the new pathfinding implementation via enumrorator. Ben also helped me with some other things in regards to the enemy AI as he officially signed on to help out with it. i also added some updates to the Wandering() method to get it to work as well as re-import the Patrolling() behaviour back to the enemy AI script so multiple enemies could operate at the same time and i beleive i may know what the issue is and how to solve in hte next week.


1) have AI working correctly to be merged into core.

Issues and Risks

AI may break when enging player. Ben beleives its because something calling the pathfinding script is calling Move() from Update()

issues switching states or states recognizing when they are active.

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