Task 3 - Blog 2


Today i continued from where i left off last night, i ran into lots of issues, pretty sure i remember saying it should be pretty smooth sailing setting up today :P ... nope. Besides continuing failing to set up the clones, i also built out the level, some refinements are needed. another thing i did was remove the clones and replace them with the drones i made this morning and made some idle and attack animations for them, hooked them into the state machine so the animation and behaviour states change together.

Current Progress

the level has been built, most issues ironed out and enemies are in working order.


To have everything set up and ready to go when the level is built

have the level buillt

early play test complete

(two out of three, not bad)

Issues and Risks

when i set up the enemy i couldnt get EthanAI (clone) working properly, the clone only went to the first check point then stood there untill i forced it to chase me, then it broke and freaked out trying to find me and wouldnt return to its patrol path.

at some point the reaction times of the enemies were 10s+ instead of the usualy snappy response of 0.5s not sure what happened there at all so i started a new project to see if it was the stuff i had imported, turns out that it wasnt, i still dont know what caused it, maybe it just needed a refresher, when i deleted everything in the SGD300_Task3 project repo and imported the asset pack containing only student work it seemed to be reacting again.

when i was setting up the DroneAI i had a similar problem to one mentioned before, the enemy would only go to a single checkpoint, i quickly realised it was because i had a setting disabled. this issue wasnt case with the EthanAI, it was enabled.

i had some issues getting the animations set up, i was using a trigger for the Idle state, and Bool's for attack and move, eventually i stopped calling the Movement state and changed it to a trigger to, so now i am only turning the attack state on and off as needed.

i originally intended to use the Ethan prefab from the 3rd person template in the Standard Assests pack as the player avatar, i soon ran into a problem where the enemies would break trying to chase Ethan, when i swapped back to the original prefab it seemed fine. i dont know what is wrong with that, the enemy should only be looking for the "Player" tag and i made sure that Ethan had it. i also noticed the 3rd person camera would also locate the original prefab if it was in the scene with Ethan which is odd as the camera locks onto a GameObject that i populated with the Ethan prefab.

Whats next?

tomorrow i will wrap up by finalizing the level, playatesting and making the menues and credits then publish to Itch.io :)

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